The Black Dahlia case is an irresistible blend of the conspiracy theories, sex and glamour that surrounded Marilyn Monroe’s death, mingled with Los Angeles’s own equivalent of Jack the Ripper.

Each year still brings us a new or updated theory but little proof. Given the notoriety of Elizabeth Short’s murder, the surrounding media circus and the inconclusive investigation conducted by the LAPD, the unsolved murder of the “Black Dahlia” seared itself into the folklore of the city and the collective consciousness of its inhabitants for the next seven decades.

Los Angeles is a city where the beauty and allure of the Hollywood film industry are mirrored by a seemingly endless stream of inventive and venal serial killers and their unfortunate victims.

Innocent Elizabeth fell prey to the dazzling myths, the astringent realities and a death at the hands of a killer whose ghastly handiwork travelled far beyond even the fevered imaginations of those paid to create horrors and nightmares in LA…