Did prostitute Yvonne Fitt ever see the man who stabbed her to death on an unknown day in May, 1992? The question is prompted because nine years later, in 2001, the body of another murdered woman was dumped in exactly the same place – Lindley Woods, near Otley, West Yorkshire – and she was blindfolded.

It is known that the killer of the second victim, 16-year-old Leanne Tiernan, blindfolded her to prevent her seeing him. He was John Taylor, a parcel delivery driver, and he was subsequently arrested, tried and sentenced to life for Leanne’s murder.

Was Taylor involved in Yvonne Fitt’s murder and did he therefore blindfold her too? If not, the coincidence of the two bodies in the same wood seems amazing. Unfortunately, the body of Yvonne Fitt wasn’t found until four months after it was thought to be have been buried there – decomposition was so advanced that detectives used X-rays to identify her.

A single mother, aged 33, Yvonne was a prostitute in the Manningham area of Bradford – once a haunt of the Yorkshire Ripper – for at least 10 years. Her body, found by a man collecting mushrooms, was lying in a natural hollow close to a footpath. When Leanne Tiernan’s body was found it was just 100 yards away.