A pathologist’s report concluded that schoolgirl Stacey Queripel, seven, was strangled by her own necklace when she became entangled in bushes. Her body was found in woods near her home in Bracknell, Berkshire, on Monday, January 24th, 1994. But in fact she was strangled with a ligature.

According to her mother, Stacey was missing when she went to check her bed. A lodger and friends who were in the house testified that Mrs. Queripel had said that as the children were all right in their beds she was going to have a bath. Half an hour later she told them that Stacey was missing. By that time she had changed her clothes and had muddy feet.

No charges were brought against Stacey’s mother. In September, 2004, detectives launched a new probe into the murder.