Twenty-year-old Miss Evelyn Skinner lost her job as a children’s governess when her furious mistress discovered that she was having an affair with the master of the house, Dr. Philip Cross, 63. But the doctor wasn’t put off by his wife’s precipitate action – he went right on with the affair, meeting Evelyn in Dublin when he went there on business.

In June 1887, Mrs. Cross died suddenly. Her husband diagnosed typhoid fever and signed the death certificate. As soon as she was buried he went off to Dublin and married Evelyn.

This caused such a scandal in his home village of Dripsey, in County Cork, that the police, acting under public pressure, exhumed Mrs. Cross’s body and found it heavily dosed with arsenic. At Cork Assizes, where Dr. Cross was charged with her murder, he protested that his wife used arsenic to help her complexion, this being a time when pale complexions were all the vogue.

The jury didn’t believe him, and he was hanged on Tuesday, January 10th, 1888, at Cork Prison, protesting his innocence to the last.