Car dealer John “Jack” Day let it be known that he got jealous if his wife Margaret talked to another man. Since most men he knew were also aware that he carried a gun, they were always a bit wary about Margaret.

But on Tueday, August 23rd, 1960, Day came home to Edward Street, Dunstable, and saw his wife talking to Keith Arthur, a mutual friend, in the living-room. They exchanged a few words, then Day pulled out a revolver and shot Arthur in the throat.

Also in the room was 13-year-old Patricia Dowling, the couple’s babysitter, who fled as the gunsmoke was clearing.

Keith Arthur’s body was not found until two days later, hidden in a farm shed on Dunstable Downs.

When the jury at Bedford Assizes heard Patricia Dowling’s version of what happened they rejected Day’s story that the gun went off accidentally. Day was sentenced to death.

While he was awaiting execution a letter published in The Spectator referred to the case, saying that Day had been found guilty and subsequently executed. Day complained that this was libellous, as it implied that his crime was so heinous that he could hold out no hope of a reprieve. Accordingly he issued a writ against the magazine.

The action died, however, on Wednesday, MARCH 29th, 1961, when he was hanged at Bedford Jail.